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Lost Bison Ranch is a breathtakingly beautiful and unique mountain property. A wonderful mix of meadows, wetlands, aspen and pine, its natural features are outstanding:  the Boulder River winding its way through; gigantic boulder formations scattered in the meadows; National Forest Lands to the west and east including the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness behind the majestic "Lionís Head" rock formationósentinel of the upper Boulder River Valley; and the Natural Bridge and 100-foot waterfall on State Park land on the north border.

 All the large mammals of the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem are here, including an elk herd which winters and calves on the property. Superb fishing for brown, rainbow and native cutthroat entices anglers from all over the world to this renowned fish habitat. Trails lead directly from the ranch onto the Gallatin National Forest.



Almost a valley unto itself, the 320 acres of Lost Bison Ranch surround the transition from the Boulder's swift water to wide, meandering river. One of the most desirable areas in south central/western Montana, the lower Boulder Valley is a beautifully intact, productive ranching community comprised mostly of large ranches with stable ownership. The upper Boulder River follows a wilderness corridor south, where the gravel road dead-ends 25 miles from the ranch.  Another 15 miles beyond that, a backcountry trail reaches a remote region of Yellowstone National Park.

Now, a unique opportunity is available to own and steward this distinct and storied property. The current owner is seeking a conservation-minded, caring party who will relish the amazing opportunities, bountiful resources, and productive community that attend Lost Bison Ranch.



Photos © 2000-2003 Audrey Hall. All Rights Reserved.